About Sarah Cernik

Hey there,

I'm Sarah Cernik. I’m a Sleep and Wellness Coach for Moms and a Pediatric Sleep Consultant, Neonatal ICU Registered Nurse, and Mom to two wonderful boys!

With my first baby, I struggled with major sleep deprivation and as a result of it, had severe anxiety and depression. The endless sleepless nights were such a struggle. I had no solutions for my sleep or his and I needed prescription medication to help alleviate my postpartum depression/anxiety.

 I felt like I was always attempting to keep him on a schedule, but everything I tried didn’t work. When he was asleep, I would try to “catch up” on everything else in my house. I was exhausted and never took the time for self care. 

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.”

— Thomas Dekker


I was up in the middle of the night every 2 or 3 hours bottle feeding my son for the first 3 months of life. He had to be held upright for 20-30 minutes after every feed, to minimize puking and his reflux symptoms. This made functioning during the day once my husband went back to work so difficult.  

I lashed out at my husband for the smallest things and struggled to get out of bed each day. I had no motivation and was so depressed due to lack of sleep. I was so sleep deprived and miserable.


At that point, I decided it was time for a reset.  I needed to figure out how to teach my little one to sleep more than 2 -3hours at a time. Google was not my friend! I joined some mom groups and also the Babywise and Taking Cara Babies groups. I bought the Babywise book and read it cover to cover several times. I resolved to sleep train my baby even though I knew it wasn’t going to be easy!

I had a lot of information and experiences running around in my brain, my experience with newborn care as a registered nurse, an overwhelming amount of information from the Facebook groups and the books, plus my background in Neonatal Nursing. I used this wealth of knowledge to help Declan learn good sleep habits, when he was around 6 months old.

By Changing My Mindset and My Sleep Habits:

  • I improved my own sleep patterns with a new baby.⁣⁣

  • I broke bad habits that were keeping me from being the mom that my family needed.

  • I successfully sleep trained both of my children.

  • I remembered and embraced my passions: I’m a nurse and my goal is to help people, but first I had to help myself.


The first few nights were filled with lots of wake-ups. After the first few days, with my consistency and repetition of simple nap and bedtime routines along with clearly defined schedules for him, we started having sleep-filled nights. 

New and experienced moms all have one thing in common, they all want sleep !  Every mom I have connected with in the hospital world as a nurse or in my coaching, has some sort of sleep issue with themselves or their children. I saw a need for helping other moms solve their struggles with sleep and improve their mental and physical healing. With that as my driving force, I became a certified Newborn and Baby Sleep Consultant and Pure Bliss Sleep and Wellness Coaching was born!

I started thriving as a mom, my baby was happier,
and I was no longer lashing out at my husband.

After sleep training, my family was closer together. We had a happy,
thriving baby and he had responsive, well rested parents.