Need a Bed/Nap Routine?

A Tired Mom's Guide to Creating the Perfect Bed/Nap-time Routine.

Hey there, exhausted mamas!

Ensuring your little one gets the right amount of shut-eye can be a game-changer for your baby’s growth and overall happiness.

So, let's dive into crafting a bedtime and pre-nap routine that works like magic for your little one who is under a year old.

Here's my stress-free, tired-mom-approved recommendations:

Lock in a Bedtime: Decide on a bedtime that vibes with your baby's natural sleep rhythm that you have come to know. A consistent bedtime routine helps them fall asleep easier and longer, giving you some well-deserved downtime.

Chill-Out Activities: Ease into bedtime routine with chill activities like a cozy bath, a soft lullaby, or a gentle sway. These little rituals tell your baby's brain, "Hey, it's bedtime, sweetie!"

Change and Feed: Before tucking your little one in for the night, make sure their diaper is dry and comfy. Please feed your baby before your snuggles and storytime part of the routine. This will help to break the feeding to sleep association that can develop if your baby falls asleep while feeding.

Dim the Glow: Dim those lights for a mellow atmosphere. It's like flipping a switch for their sleepy hormone, melatonin, to work its magic and drift them off into dreamland.

Cuddle Party: My Personal Favorite Snuggle time! Embrace these cozy moments that weave a snug cocoon of security and love around your little one. It's bedtime bliss at its finest.

Storytime Magic: Cue the bedtime story! Dive into a simple tale or hum a sweet lullaby. It's like a lullaby spell that whisks your baby off to a serene slumber.

Slightly Drowsy but Awake: As those tiny eyes grow start to look heavier, gently lay them in their crib while they're slightly sleepy but still awake. Watch them drift into their dreams, learning the art of soothing themselves for a long night's sleep.

Steady as She Goes: Stick to your routine like glue. Consistency is the secret ingredient here. Your baby will start recognizing the cues and slip into sleep mode like a pro over a few weeks.

Remember, every baby is a unique little star, so tweak this routine to suit their groove but please keep feedings at the beginning of the routine! You will thank me later!

With a dash of patience and a sprinkle of persistence, you'll have a bedtime routine that not only does wonders for your little one but also grants you some well-deserved rest. Sweet dreams to hard work. It will pay off, mama!!!!


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